Setup Synology

  1. Create a directory in docker directory, such as cloudflare-tunnel.
  2. Download cloudflared/cloudflared image to registry.
  3. ssh to admin@synology
  4. Change cloudflare-tunnel owner, sudo chown -R 65532:65532 /volume1/docker/cloudflare-tunnel.

Run containers

- cloudflared tunnel login

  1. Run container and mount volume docker/cloudflare-tunnel:/home/nonroot/.cloudflared.
  2. Select Use the same network as Docker Host in network tab.
  3. Add command tunnel login in envorinment tab.
  4. Go to container log, and copy login url.
  5. Paste url to browser and authorize the zone.
  6. Export the container setting json to the directory cloudflare-tunnel.

- cloudflared tunnel create synology-tunnel

  1. Edit the container setting json in the the directory cloudflare-tunnel, modify cmd. tunnel create synology-tunnel.
  2. Import the container setting json and run a new container.
  3. The container will stop and create tunnel config json in cloudflare-tunnel.
  4. Create config.yml and write ingress rules.
  5. In config.yml, tunnel value is the same as the tunnel config json name, and credentials-file is /home/nonroot/.cloudflared/tunnel config json
  6. Export the second container setting json to the directory cloudflare-tunnel.

- cloudflared tunnel route dns synology-tunnel

  1. Edit the second container setting json in the the directory cloudflare-tunnel, modify cmd. tunnel route dns synology-tunnel
  2. Import the second container setting json and run a new container.
  3. The container will stop and create a dns record mapping domain to the tunnel.

- cloudflared tunnel run synology-tunnel

  1. Edit the second container setting json in the the directory cloudflare-tunnel, modify cmd. tunnel run synology-tunnel.
  2. Import the second container setting json and run a new container.
  3. The tunnel now is connectable.
